Friday, 30 August 2013

Clarisonic Mia 2..

Helloo my lovelies, so as you can tell from this post title i got a beautiful little gift for christmas..

Im literally over the moon that i finally have one, ive been wanting one for years now, every birthday and christmas i ask for one and end up changing it to something else, but i asked for a suprise this year and finally recieved one!
I got the Mia2 deep pore cleansing system, i absolutely love it!

There are literally tons of reviews online about how amazing the Clarisonic is, i know its going to be a huge investment into my skincare regime, and as many of my followers no i am really into my skincare and want to look after myself as much as i possibly can, on the inside of the box it has a mini 'article' i would say of what the Clarisonic does, and how effictively it cleans your skin..

I must say i can definitely say after using this tonight for the first time i can say i do NOT clean my face thoroughly enough by manual cleansing and i have photos to back this up..

I cleaned my face with the deep pore cleanser that comes in the set, by 'cleaned' i applied it to my face and with my hands i manually cleaned what i thought was all the makeup off of my face, i then applied a 20p sized amount to the head and followed the timer on the Clarisonic, it beeps/vibrates when you need to change the area on your face, 20 seconds on your forehead, 20 seconds on the chin/nose and then 10 on each cheek and your done, i washed my cleanser off with a splash of water and then took a look at the brush

It was literally orange and dirty, considering i had 'cleaned' my face already i never expected there to be anywhere near as much residue as there was, it just goes to show you how much we really dont get down into the pores of the skin by manual cleansing!

The brush head after i washed the residue off, see how much cleaner it is!

I then swept off any remaining mascara left on with my Clarins Eye Makeup Remover and then applied my usual Origins - GinZing moisturizer, which applied like a dream, it sunk straight into my skin and plumped it back up, as the Clarisonic did leave it feeling a little tight where i had properly deep cleaned.

I have to say im absolutely blown away by this product, or should we say beauty tool, i firmly believe this will be a staple in my routine, i have heard that you can go through a 'purging' phase with the Clarisonic (basically where all the acne comes to the surface of the skin where it has lay dormant underneath it for so long) but i am happy to go through that if i can see there's is going to be real benefits from using it!

Im so pleased and will update you all every week of before and after photos of over the next month, on how i'm getting on with it, and if its worth you going out and buying one yourself.

Do any of you own a Clarisonic? i'd love to hear your thoughts, and if its worked for you or not?

Speak soon, Frankie xXx


  1. I dont have it , but i really want one..
    Dont forget to enter my giveaway.
    Keep in touch,

  2. I don't have one - but I would LOVE one! They sound so amazing xx
    Gem │ ♥ │ Miss Makeup Magpie

  3. I think i would be the same haha :) xxx

  4. Can I get a clarisonic giveaway cos there is no store where i stay and online products cant be fully trusted
